The optical transceiver module is becoming more integrated, so the function of 10G Ethernet optical interface can be achieved by an optical module. 10G optical modules include optical / electrical conversion, clock recovery and synchronization, multiplexing / demultiplexing, 64B/66B codec, WIS, 8B/10B encoding and decoding sub-function modules. LIGHT READING magazine, according to a research report shows, 10G optical modules will be the most market potential for the next few years, optical devices. Now used widely in the 10G optical modules are the following: 300pin, Xenpak , Xpak, X2 and XFP .
Which are the first generation 300pin module, mainly used in SDH SFP Series, 10G Ethernet to change the electrical interface 16-bit interface (XSBI) can also be applied after the 10G Ethernet; Xenpak is introduced for the first generation 10G Ethernet optical modules , the use of SFP and SFP+ 10G standard in the additional unit interface (XAUI) as the data path; Xpak Xenpak and X2 is an improved version of the direct optical module, the volume reduced by 40%; XFP is a compact, low-cost optical modules , somewhat similar to the Gigabit Ethernet pluggable optical modules small (SFP). As 300pin 10G Ethernet optical module in the application of small, so the following highlights Xenpak, Xpak, X2 and XFP optical modules that 4.